Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Robert Campbell - Conversation with I.M. Pei

Ieoh Ming Pei, architect Robert Campbell, critic, Boston Globe, 1996 Pulitzer Prize The John F. Kennedy Library building consists of a triangular 10-story tower for archives and administrative offices and a two-story base. containing exhibition space and two 300-seat theaters, and a 110-foot high memorial pavilion, which gives coherence and focus to the whole. After viewing a film about Kennedy's life, visitors descend into linked exhibition areas highlighting the president's family and administration. From this darkened setting, visitors emerge into the sun-filled, silent void of the space-framed glass pavilion. Except for an enormous American flag suspended above, the space is empty to allow viewers to contemplate what they have seen and experienced against a great panorama of sky, land and open sea. Ieoh Ming Pei, the building's architect, discusses the evolution and implementation of his vision for the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum with the Boston Globe's Pulitzer Prize winning architecture critic, Robert Campbell.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Evaluating Similarity Measures: A Large-Scale Study in Orkut Social Network.

Google TechTalk June 21, 2006 Ellen Spertus is a Software Engineer at Google and an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Mills College, where she directs the graduate program in Interdisciplinary Computer Science. She earned her bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees from MIT, and has done research in parallel computing, text classification, information retrieval, and online communities. She is also known for her work on women and computing and various odd adventures, which have led to write-ups in The Weekly World News and other fine publications. ABSTRACT As online information services grow, so does the need and opportunity for automated tools to help users find information of interest to them. One such method is collaborative filtering, which makes recommendations to users based on their collective past behavior. We performed an extensive empirical comparison of six distinct measures of similarity for recommending online communities to members of the Orkut social network, as well as observing interesting social issues that arise in recommending communities within a real social network.