Tuesday, October 23, 2007

World Premiere Documentaries on Ancient Greece

This newly released documentary artfully covers the bronze age origins of the Greek island of SANTORINI. Today Santorini tuants us to identify it with Plato's legendary lost island of ATLANTIS. The island's original name of KALLISTI, meaning "most beautiful", was given to it by the Minoans of Crete. Befitting the name Kallisti, this documentary conveys the awesome beauty that was, and is, Santorini.

The present day excavation of the bronze age city of Akrotiri is producing extraordinary paintings, or frescoes, preserved within multi-storied buildings two-thousand years older than those of Pompeii. Similar to Pompeii, Akrotiri was preserved for immortality by the largest volcanic eruption in the last 10,000 years; a blast so large that it sank most of the island into the sea. It's global impact was chronicled by the Egyptians, the Chinese and even the writers of the Bible. But, it was Plato who wrote of the island over 1200 years after the fact giving birth to the greatest of all legends. Today Santorini is a popular tourist destination in the Aegean Sea and it remains one of the largest and most beautiful active volcanoes on earth awaiting to awaken us all.

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