Monday, May 12, 2008

Vithoulkas & Homeopathy - International Awards, Documentaries

Professor George Vithoulkas has been an international teacher of Homeopathy for over 40 years. In 1996, Prof George Vithoulkas was awarded the Alternative Nobel Prize (The Right Livelihood Award) for his work in the field of Homeopathy. In May 2000 he received the Gold Medal of the Hungarian Democracy presented by the President of the Democracy in the Hungarian Parliament for his efforts to educate doctors from all over the world in classical homeopathy. In Oct. 2000 he was honored by the Kiev medical Academy with the title of Professor Honoris Causa. In 1999 he was nominated as a collaborating Professor in the Medical Faculty of the Basque University in Spain. In January 2000 he was nominated as full professor of Homeopathy in the Kiev Medical Academy. In Feb 2000 he was honoured in India as the 'Homeopath of the Millenium' by the Minister of Health of the Central Government of India who presented him with a Gold Medal in the presence of 2500 homeopathic physicians.

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